The Natural Calendar of Shunkunitai

August @
@ @

Siberian Ruby throat

@ The birds The Plants

The animals and nature

early month
‘ Migratory birds of fall such as Far Eastern Curlews, Turnstones,Terek Sandpipers and Rufous-necked Stint return.
‘ Migratory birds of fall such as Common Terns, the hunter of the sea, return.
‘ Flowers of early fall such as Halenia corniculatas, Lilium cordatum,Impatiens noli-tangeres and Linaria japonicas blossom.
‘ A kind and the number of dragonflies such as Libellula quadrimaculatas and Aeshna nigroftaua Martins increase.
the middle of month


Migratory birds of fall such as Common Sand pipers, Ruffs, Great knots, Wood Sandpipers, Whimbrels and Sanderlings return.


The number of the migratory birds of fall reaches to the peak.


Flowers of fall such as Senecio pseudo-arnicas, Senecio cannabifoliuses and Anaphalis margaritaceas blossom.


‘ A fall wind starts to blow after the eObonf.
the end of month
‘ Migratory birds of fall such as Dunlins, Long-toed Stints, Spoon-billed Sandpipers and Racific Golden Plovers return.


Flowers of fall such as Aconitem sachalinenses, Lobelia sessilifolias and Gentana triflora blossom.


The insects of fall, grasshoppers, start to sing.

     This natural calendar is drawn up by the various data researched from around the Nature Center.  The season of flowers and birds are different from year to year.  Please use it as a reference.
